Conversion Rate Optimization
Don't allow the user experience on your website to sabotage your acquisition efforts. We pinpoint all the weaknesses of your site and provide you with straightforward fixes to implement.
Don't let your website experience ruin your acquisition efforts. We'll identify every weaknesses in your website and make it easy for you to correct them.
If media costs increase
but your conversion rate doesn't improve, your campaigns’ performance will decline.
If your AOV is low,
it will be impossible to run profitable acquisition campaigns.
You need an external perspective on your website. We will be able to identify its weaknesses that you might miss due to habit.
Conversion rate improvement thanks to our CRO service will benefit all channels (organic, email, social, direct traffic)
It's the key to your business profitability
We thoroughly analyze your website
And we provide you with concrete and immediately actionable improvements.
We send you:
• a before / after presentation of the pages we redesign
• A ready-to-use Figma mockup for your developers to integrate.
Cart page redesign
Adding a progress bar will encourage your users to add products, in order to reach the next level, which triggers a gift. This will increase your AVO.
Added social proof to reassure users that they are making a choice approved by other customers before them.
Cross sell a complementary product to the one added to the basket, to increase the AVO and introduce the user to your complete range.
Checkout button visible without having to scroll down, making it easy to take action.
An overview of the report you will receive
Cart page redesign
Adding a progress bar will encourage your users to add products, in order to reach the next level, which triggers a gift. This will increase your AVO.
Added social proof to reassure users that they are making a choice approved by other customers before them.
Cross sell a complementary product to the one added to the basket, to increase the AVO and introduce the user to your complete range.
Checkout button visible without having to scroll down, making it easy to take action.
In-depth analysis of your brand
Friction areas and sections to be improved identification
10 key sections redesign
Proposed changes explained and modeled (Before/After)
Performance-based recos
Conversion rate, average basket
PDF report + Figma file
Mobile + Desktop
In-depth analysis of your brand
Friction areas and sections to be improved identification
30 key sections redesign
Proposed changes explained and modeled (Before/After)
Performance-based recos
Conversion rate, average basket
PDF report + Figma file
3 weeks: we pride ourselves on the quality of our work.
No, we focus on the design. That’s the area that provides the most value.
No, we focus on the website analysis. We don’t make any changes.