Legal Notices

Company name: Symetrics
Address: 11 rue de la Villette, 75019 Paris
Legal form: SAS
SIRET NUMBER: 87922468100012
VAT number: FR3 879224681
Symetrics liability
The information provided on the Symetrics website is provided for informational purposes only. Symetrics cannot be held liable for it. It may be changed or updated without notice.
Intellectual property rights
The entire Symetrics website is protected by French and international intellectual property laws. All reproductions and representations are subject to the express prior consent of Symetrics. Likewise, it is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the Symetrics name and logo, for any purpose whatsoever, and on any support whatsoever, without the prior written consent of Symetrics.
The website may ask you to accept cookies for statistical and display purposes. Cookies are pieces of information placed on your hard disk by the server of the website you are visiting. It contains a number of data items that are stored on your computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and record information. Some parts of this website cannot be used without accepting cookies.
CNIL declaration
This website has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). Your personal information is processed automatically. No data is transferred outside the European Union. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of January 6, 1978, all persons have the right to access, rectify and delete any personal data concerning them. This right may be exercised by contacting Symetrics at the following addresses:
Address: 11 rue de la Villette, 75019 Paris
Moreover, when information is requested, it is mandatory for the processing of your file, which cannot be carried out without it.