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Landing page optimization

Decrease your acquisition costs with our Landing Pages

We help you transform your prospects into clients by developing landing pages that combine brand experience and performance.

Let's work together
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We turn your prospects into customers by developing pages that reconcile brand experience and performance.

What is a landing page?

It's a dedicated page used for a specific campaign, audience, or offer.

Its purpose: to perfectly explain to your prospects who you are and what you offer.

Its impact: a landing page increases the conversion rate by an average of +20%.

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Why use a landing page?

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You need to
‍‍adapt to your audience

Somebody discovering your brand 15 seconds ago on TikTok is not the same as somebody doing an in-depth search on Google. Why show them the same page?

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The pages associated with your media campaigns are often default choices

You need a custom page to perfectly present your offer. Neither the homepage nor the product page is truly convincing.

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You can have complete freedom
with the design

Break free from your site's template and develop a real narrative that will convince the user to try your product.

How do we work?

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Analysis of your brand, product, service, and offering

Landing Page goal definition (user source, media, purchase intent level)

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Wireframe proposal without image nor text at this stage

It will show all sections and the placement of elements (text, images, buttons)

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Writing page content

Inspired by your website and your reviews

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Creation of a navigable model adapted to your graphic charter

It features the best of today's design trends

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Creation of the page on Unbounce or Replo with responsive design (mobile, desktop, tablet)

Tracking integration (FB, GA, GTM, Hotjar) and privacy modules

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A landing page tailored to your needs

Landing Page


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Tailored to your traffic source

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Built around one goal: conversion

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Improves your performance by an average of 20%

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Delivered within 4 weeks

Let's talk

lead gen

Product Lander


check 1 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Tailored to your

check 2 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Develops an argument built around conversion

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your campaign performance

check 4 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Delivered within 4 weeks

Let's talk


Landing Page


lead gen
check 1 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Tailored to your traffic source

check 2 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Built around one goal:

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Improves your performance by an average of 20%

check 4 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Delivered within 4 weeks

Let's talk

Product Lander


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Tailored to your brand

check 2 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Develops an argument built around conversion

check 3 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Improves your campaign performance

check 4 une landing page sur mesure LPO

Delivered within 4 weeks

Let's talk

The two key words of our landing pages:


Explain the benefits of your products rather than immediately pushing for a purchase


Show that your products are loved by other customers, the press and third parties (e.g. scientists, institutes).

Why a landing page rather than a site page?

Landing page

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Fast loading

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Educates the Internet user

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Tailored to its origin

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Limits output points

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Built to convert

Site page

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Loads in 4 seconds

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Sells before it educates

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Too many distracting points

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Follows the website template

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VS pourquoi une landing page plutôt qu'une page de site LPOvague fond pourquoi une landing page plutôt qu'une page de site LPO
What kind of verticals do you work with?
flèche question LPO

Lead Generation and eCommerce essentially. But more broadly, as soon as a conversion action is expected, we can create a page built around this objective.

Why create a Landing Page?
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A product, a service, a specific offer (e.g. bundle), a collection page, a Lead Generation form. Any page for which you expect a specific action and whose design and narrative could be improved.

Which tools do you use?
flèche question LPO

Unbounce and Replo: they bring us the right combination of functionality, design and loading time.

More questions
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