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Site Speed Optimizaton

Less loading time,

more customers

Boost your conversion rate in 10 days with a website that loads in the blink of an eye.

Speed up my site
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Boost your conversion rate in 10 days with a website that loads in the blink of an eye.

Why improve the loading speed of your Shopify site?

ligne processus pourquoi se soucier de la vitesse de chargement de son site Shopify SSO
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A slow website discourages your users from completing their purchase.

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This has a direct impact on the profitability of your acquisition campaigns.

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Your website's loading speed is taken into account by Google for your SEO ranking.

vague fond pourquoi se soucier de la vitesse de chargement de son site Shopify SSO

Iain Craven Director

Historically, we have consistently faced challenges with our website speed. Our developers were unable to find a solution to improve our PageSpeed score. However, when Symetrics stepped in, they successfully boosted our mobile score from 9 to 97! As a result of their work on our Shopify theme, we observed a remarkable year-over-year increase of +20% in conversion rates.

Iain Craven Director

Historically, we have consistently faced challenges with our website speed. Our developers were unable to find a solution to improve our PageSpeed score. However, when Symetrics stepped in, they successfully boosted our mobile score from 9 to 97! As a result of their work on our Shopify theme, we observed a remarkable year-over-year increase of +20% in conversion rates.

3 key statistics to know about loading speed


For every 0.1s you save, your conversion rate can improve by up to +8%.

(source: Google)


40% of Internet users leave if loading time exceeds 3s.

$1.6 billion

Amazon has calculated that 1s can cost them up to $1.6 billion a year.

(source: fastcompany.com)

How to find out your Google PageSpeed score?

Go to https://pagespeed.web.dev/ and enter your website's URL.

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Take a look at the rating Google gives you.

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Below 50/100, your loading time will make you lose many sales.

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Ask yourself 3 questions

Point d'interrogation 1 posez-vous 3 questions SSO

What's the point of having a beautiful website if it takes 4 seconds to load?

Point d'interrogation 2 posez-vous 3 questions SSO

What's the point of designing an elaborate conversion tunnel if it takes forever to appear?

Point d'interrogation 3 posez-vous 3 questions SSO

Why spend a fortune on Meta and Google if you can't get people to buy?

Speed up my site
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Noé Feretti eCommerce manager

We had a real issue with the speed of our site and our SEO results weren't up to scratch. This boost helped us a lot and even exceeded our expectations in terms of speed score. I'd recommend the service to anyone!

Noé Feretti eCommerce manager

Historically, we have consistently faced challenges with our website speed. Our developers were unable to find a solution to improve our PageSpeed score. However, when Symetrics stepped in, they successfully boosted our mobile score from 9 to 97! As a result of their work on our Shopify theme, we observed a remarkable year-over-year increase of +20% in conversion rates.

How do we solve this problem?

Within 10 days, we can identify all the elements that are slowing down your website. We follow all the best practices recommended by Google and apply them to make your website as efficient as possible.

process comment nous résolvons ce problème ? SSO

A faster website,
in 10 days

We guarantee a speed score of 65/100 on mobile and 90/100
on desktop, or we'll give you a full refund.

Nous ne travaillons pas sur la version live de votre site. Nous la dupliquons et l’améliorons dans un environnement de test.

Better conversion rate

Better user experience

Decrease in bounce rate

Better SEO

Accelerating the PageSpeed score on Shopify

€1500 | Delivered within 10 days

What's included:

Critical CSS added

Delayed image loading

Cleaning inactive code

Asynchronous loading of
JavaScript and CSS files

Reduced number of
HTTP requests

Minifying and grouping
JavaScript and CSS files

Full report on
optimizations made

Speed up my Shopify
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Refund if score not achieved

A faster website, in 10 days

We guarantee a speed score of 65/100 on mobile and 90/100 on desktop, or we'll give you a full refund.

Better conversion rate

Better user experience

Decrease in bounce rate

Better SEO

PageSpeed score boost on Shopify

€1500 | Delivered within 10 days

What's included:

Critical CSS added

Delayed image loading

Cleaning inactive code

Asynchronous loading of JavaScript and CSS files

Reduced number ofHTTP requests

Minifying and groupingJavaScript and CSS files

Full report on
optimizations made

Speed up my Shopify
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Refund if score not achieved

Do you modify my site live?
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No, we're working on a test version and won't release it live until it's ready, with your approval.

Will you remove any features from my site?
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No, we're just going to make them faster.

Do you work with platforms other than Woocomerce, Prestashop...?
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Our service is only available for Shopify websites.

More questions
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